Parents’ Role
Our staff takes great pride in our responsibilities to our students and school families and we realize that our school plays a major role in your child’s development. We rely on your support and assistance so that together we can provide a complete effort in helping your child grow and learn to the best of his or her abilities.
The School Family is responsible for:
- Providing a home environment that supports the development of positive self-esteem, learning attitudes and habits, and social and intellectual competence
- Supporting the smooth operation of the school through the fulfillment of parental responsibilities such as timely arrival and departure, prompt tuition payments, adherence to school policies and procedures, keeping informed by reading newsletters and notices
- Supporting and valuing the school’s philosophy and policies through positive interaction including courteous validation and policy through private meetings with the director and/or teaching staff when and if concerns arise
- Supporting, valuing and protecting each student’s personal development during and after classroom observations and participation in school activities